deer head

deer head painted in drawer art object

mixed media, 2020.

a memorial object created on behalf of roadkill deer. the dresser drawer is a found object from the streets of Portland, and I met the deer painted here off the 26 west. it is a rumination on suffering and a representation of life sustaining and generating new life as it dies. the dresser drawer, originating on a curb, was used a lot for the purpose it was build for before being discarded. I gave it life because I’m fond of the solid structural integrity of the wood, and the smooth white paint covering the formerly exterior surface. It was the right weight, the right size, and the wallpaper inside was the right texture to paint on – and this concept was heavy in my chest. There is a wasp crawling out of the deer’s eye, and dried flowers and branches by its jaw and neck wound. Memento mori, rip